Brachyura (edible crab, spider crab, velvet swimming crab) and Macrura (lobster, prawn) holding tanks with innovative technologies, an appropriate feed for these species and a unique business model.
We have developed a novel water treatment system that provides an excellent water quality similar to the sea depths. In this way, we reduce mortality rates. A major advantage of this treatment system is that it replaces currently used filters which need to be cleaned every 2 months, resulting in a higher efficiency and almost mainteinance-free system. Moreover, traditional systems have to be cleaned from pollutants before being thrown away.
We commercialize different sizes of display tanks depending on the needs of our clients. Actually, we supply methacrylate tanks as it is a long-lasting material. We sell to fish markets, restaurants, retailers, supermarkets… And large seafood holding systems manufactured with recycled plastics for wholesalers.
adjustable for daylight and night time to reduce stress and improve animal welfare.
to reduce crustacean diseases.
For ecosystem isolation
To move the tanks
We have pre-sales and after-sales services. We rely on the best professionals for pre-sales service and for post-sale supervision of our clients in order to provide personalized attention.
We offer solutions for our clients with scheduled maintenance and immediate attention in less than 48 h
Our team is focused on constant research and innovation and it relies on biologists specialized in rearing and nutrition. Thanks to their job we can optimize the environment of our seafood tanks, feeding, monitoring of parameters and many other aspects that help us to continuously improve our product.
We are currently carrying out scientific research on restocking of the stalked barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes in an attempt to replenish our rocky shores from which they have severely decreased. We will help our coasts with the biological process of filtering to gain an optimum quality of our seas.
Barnacle tanks
It is well known that maintenance of stalked barnacle in captivity is challenging.
After years of research and trials, we are confident that we can keep it for more than a month as if it was freshly caught.
We apply to the barnacle the same innovative systems that we have developed for the rest of crustaceans, always adjusting to each species singularities.
In February 2022 we had the third generation of stalked barnacles born in Bay of Biscay Aquatics.
We have given solution to the current issue facing the market about the transport of seafood holding systems without disrupting the rest of the system.
For that purpose, our systems are movable and they use a filtering and recirculating system that do not require continuous water changes. Close the valve and bring it wherever you want!
Our products can be used in complement with: advanced filtering systems based on biological and chemical reactors. UV lamps for bacterial control. Control and monitoring systems integrated with energy efficient pumps for an adequate recirculation and oxygenation of the species and load at each moment.
Mobile installations
All our systems are designed to contain the needed elements inside a cabinet, isolating the equipment and electric components from dust, water and moist. Thus, we provide a secure and space-saving installation.
Additionally, it allows the displacement of the system and rapid replacement of damaged elements.
Therefore, we have enhanced sea, land and air transport, adjusting our system to truck fleets, boats and planes.
Thanks to our feed formulations containing immune system activators, phytoplankton, zooplankton and nutrients, along with our feed dispensers, we mitigate crustacean weight losses in our holding systems.
Nowadays, these weight reduction account for 5 % to 10 % economic losses, depending on the species.
With the formulation of this specific feed, crustaceans rapidly gain the weight lost since their capture and they remain in optimum conditions, reducing voracity among them.
BB Aquatics R+D department plans, studies, designs and implements all type of systems on client request, either retailers or wholesalers, dispatch centres or aquiculture centres.
We rely on our broad experience on design and installation of RAS systems for salmon and tilapia. We are specialists in captive breeding. Adding to our systems the latest developments in water treatment and filtration and integrating light to enhance living condition and system productivity.
A team of engineers and biologists will attend the installations to identify improvement opportunities in every specific case. Let our experts advise you!
Service created to measure and control the critical parameters of our seafood holding system to keep you aware of everything.
Our engineers have developed a monitoring system with alarms, remote on/off switch of pumps, temperature, humidity and volume control, environmental factors, light input…
We also have specific sensors for the measurement and control of water quality parameters (pH, KH, NO3…)
All this to ensure that you do not need to worry about anything and to enable the control of your seafood wherever you are.